Thursday, May 7, 2020

my rabbits

my rabbits died last night. one boy and baby girl.


  1. Hi Jed
    That's no good. You will be sad. Will you bury them together? Do you think they were sick, or was it a surprise to find that they had died? I hope you have a good day Jed and feel happy that you gave your rabbits a nice life. Take care!

  2. Hi Jed
    It's pretty sad when pets die, because they are part of your family. Do you have any more?

  3. Oh Jed that is so sad to hear. Do you know why your rabbits died? It must have been very sad loosing both of them together. Loosing a pet is never easy. I was very sad when my dog died even though I had not seen him for six months. Were they the only rabbits, you had I see you have drawn four in your picture.
    Do you have other pets besides the rabbits? If so how many other animals do you have at your house as pets. We only have a dog now but when our children were small we had a cat called Tansy, she was grey and they had goldfish.
    I have kept fish at school and once the class had two pet mice. When we had the mice Mrs Scott would not come into our class as she does not like mice. I don't mind them but they give you a bit of a fright when they dart along the edges of the wall. I once had one falloff the bench and into the rubbish bin in the class. I could not work out where the noise was coming from. Because it was a wild mouse I let it go over the school fence.

    Mrs H
